Archive | July 2013

The latest hospital trip update… :/

I was going to just update on Raven’s Journey Facebook page but then I thought that maybe I should make a blog entry considering just how long it’s been since I’ve made one. So many things have been going on in our lives and for the most part it’s been pretty normal. School for me, daycare for the kids, occasional colds/sickness but nothing really to write home about. That is until this morning… Let’s back track for a quick sec. Tuesday morning I was getting ready for work and Raven woke up just as I was finishing up so I went to get her out of bed and felt that she was really warm. Took her temp and she was just at the fever line so I called the clinic and asked to go up there instead of to the emergency room. They agreed and after a trip there complete with labs drawn and a dose of antibiotics, we were sent home. The nurse told me that if she spiked again, to just give her a dose of tylenol because we had a follow up set for the next day. Sure enough, she spiked again later that day so I gave her some meds and went about the day. She was feeling fine so we even managed to sneak in a trip to Target to get some grocery shopping done. All was well with the day aside from our minor setback. Then at about 3 am, she woke up crying. This is not unusual. Typically I just go in, put a pacifier in her mouth, she goes to bed and all is well, but when I went in I felt her forehead and she was burning up. I took her temp and it was 101.5 so I called the after hours number to find out what to do. The nurse said to just give her more tylenol and come in for the appointment like planned which is exactly what I did and just as I was going to bed, we got a call back from the nurse. The labs drawn from the previous day had come back positive for bacteria which meant immediate admission to the hospital. So for the last few days we’ve sat here waiting to go home. Mostly it’s been uneventful except yesterday she did have a small sore on her tongue. I decided to try to set it aside, but deep down inside I had a bad feeling about it. Still, positive thoughts flowing, I went about my day. Got to make up a day at school and it was incredible. Even had good news when I left which was that Raven was all set to go in the morning. Hospital home bound set up to teach us how to administer her IV meds at home. The plan was in motion, but again my gut told me we would not be going home. She woke up today tongue even more swollen than it had been and the sore was larger. Her top and bottom lip swollen with what appears to be two sores as well. She has not eaten and although she has requested milk a few times, she’s only managed to get a few sips down. She also has a small pimple on her tush and I’m hoping that that turns out to be nothing more than just that and not a repeat of one of our worst trips here yet. The nurse came in this morning and seems to agree with me that we are probably not going anywhere. Raven is miserable. Super, super miserable and that breaks my heart. I hate seeing her unhappy and worse is that I hate seeing her in pain. Anyone who knows Raven knows what a ray of light she is. Constantly joking around and smiling and making everyone’s day so to see her like this is maddening, upsetting… I’m trying my hardest to put a smile on my face for her, but it’s been such a long time since something has happened like this and maybe that’s why it’s so hard this time around. I just have to remind myself that we’re on the homeward stretch of treatment and that setbacks sometimes happen. I just hope this is a minor one and that those sores go away soon. For all your still reading, send out a prayer or positive thought today for my sweet baby girl. 

This entry was posted on July 20, 2013. 1 Comment