Infection update

Today I decided to do some day after Christmas shopping. I know, crazy, but I needed to get out of the hospital for a while. Erik goes back to work tomorrow and its a long shift so he’s leaving tonight to go home and sleep there and will probably not be back for the next two days or so. Since we don’t really live close to the hospital, it doesn’t make sense for him to go back and forth especially when he’ll be at work until later on at night. That being said, I knew if I was going to get a break, today would be the day.

While I was out, I decided to call and check up on Raven’s infection. Erik told me that it started to ooze. I know- totally gross. Thank goodness I wasn’t there to witness it because I’m sure it would have made me freak out and would’ve possibly made me queasy. I asked him what the doctor said about it and he told me that he said it was a good sign. They had been talking about lancing it so for it to happen by itself is good. Erik asked him what was next and he said basically that they would continue to monitor it to make sure it was draining properly and completely and that it would likely be the end of the week before they even considered doing the bone marrow biopsy or lumbar puncture. The doctor said it would be too risky to try and do it before the infection had cleared up. So now we will just sit and wait for it to go away. We have to clean it out with saline solution and just watch it like we have been.

Erik and I are on the same page with remaining here in the hospital. We think it would be too risky to take her home when she has a now open infection. Besides, here in the hospital we have professionals at our fingertips who will be here to help if need be. I honestly have to tell you that even if they said we could go home tomorrow, I wouldn’t want to just because of my emotional state lately. If anything else happened I would just freak out. So here we stay. I don’t know for how long. We just wait it out.

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